Perhaps the oldest house in New England . . . and the oldest gravestone
Bernard Capen (ca 1562-1638) Bernard Capen is our 11th great grandfather by this path: RWA → Fred Pemberton Abbott → Arthur Merrill...

Benjamin Abbott and the Salem Witch Trials
Benjamin Abbott (1661-1703) Benjamin Abbott (or Abbot) is our 7th great grandfather with this path: RWA → Fred Pemberton Abbott → Arthur...

Battle of Wyoming, Pennsylvania
The Wyoming Massacre of the Revolutionary War This story describes the tragic end of three of our cousins: John Abbott (1741-1778) –...

Woodbridge Township, New Jersey
Jonathan Dunham House,Woodbridge, New Jersey [endif]--Several of our ancestors played a role in the early settlement of Woodbridge. Most...

Settler of Locke’s Neck, Rye, New Hampshire
Locke's Neck, Rye, New Hampshire as it is today. Captain John Locke (1627-1696) and Elizabeth Berry (1635-aft. 1708) John Locke and...

Edmund Strickland and the Founding of Fairfield
Mural of Roger Ludlow buying Fairfield, Connecticut in 1639. The four small figures in the background represent four prominent settlers...

A line where the English and Dutch come together
Abraham Toppan (1606-1672) and Susannah Taylor Toppan (1607-1689) Pictured above in the Toppan House in Newbury built in 1670 by Abraham...

Adella Hunt Logan (1863-1915) Educator at Tuskegee Institute
Adella Hunt Logan is our fifth cousin, three times removed. The common ancestors we share are William Stone (1665-1703) and Margaret Dix...

Some German Roots
August Gerhard Feld (1857-1912) and Anna Thecla Jungerman (1866-1933) Augsut Gerhard Feld and Anna Thecla Jungerman are our great...

The Persecution of Quakers
Often with tragic results, Puritans who had come to the New World seeking religious freedom denied this freedom to others, particularly...